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发布时间:2017-12-10   访问次数:15909   来源:威廉希尔






郑文云教授,理学博士,WilliamHill中文 威廉希尔/上海市新药设计重点实验室,博士生导师,上海市优秀青年骨干教师。2006毕业于沈阳药科大学获博士学位,师从杨胜利院士;2013年美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)访问留学一年。



学术兼职:Biochemistry and Molecular Biology编委;Drug Design, Research and Development编委;

Biomedcine & Pharmacotherapy特约审稿人上海生物工程学会、中国生物技术药物学会会员。















1.  Wei Guo, Xingyuan Ma, Yunhui Fu, Chang Liu, Qiuli Liu, Fabiao Hu, Hui Miao,Tong Zhang, Yuping Liu, Myong Hun Han, Fang You, Yi Yang* and Wenyun Zheng*.Discovering and Characterizing of Survivin Dominant Negative Mutants With Stronger Pro-apoptotic Activity on Cancer Cells and CSCs.Front. Oncol.202111:635233. 

2.  JifanNie XingyuanMaFabiaoHuHuiMiaoXinFengPeiwenZhangMyong HunHanFangYouYiYangWenlianZhangWenyunZheng*. Designing and constructing a phage display synthesized single domain antibodies library based on camel VHH frame for screening and identifying humanized TNF-α-specific nanobodyBiomedicine & Pharmacotherapy2021 DOI:10.1016/j.biopha.2021.111328 

3.  Zhangting Zhao, Xingyuan Ma, Ruihuan Zhang, Fabiao Hu, Tong Zhang, Yuping Liu, Myong Hun Han, Fang You, Yi Yang⁎, Wenyun Zheng*.A novel liposome-polymer hybrid nanoparticles delivering a multi-epitope 2 self-replication DNA vaccine and its preliminary immune evaluation in 3 experimental animals. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 2020 j.nano.2020.102338

4.  Ling-ke Liu, Xiao-xiao Chen, Rui-lin Gao, Ke-jian Wang, Wen-yun Zheng, Hai-peng Liu A cytokine receptor domeless promotes white spot syndrome virus infection via JAK/STAT signaling pathway in red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, Developmental and Comparative Immunology2020111103749  

5.  Fabiao Hu, Ruihuan Zhang, Wei Guo, Ting Yan, Xiujuan He, Fengzhi Hu, Fuzheng Ren, Xingyuan Ma*, Jiandu Lei, Wenyun Zheng* PEGylated-PLGA Nanoparticles Coated With pH Responsive Tannic acid-Fe(III) Complexes for Reduced Premature Doxorubicin Release and Enhanced Targeting in Breast CancerMol Pharmaceut2020.doi: 10.1021/acs..0c00321.  

6.  Fabiao Hu,Ting Yan, Wei Guo, Qiuli Liu, Myong Hun Han, Chang Liu,Yuping Liu, Wenyun Zheng*, Fang You*, Yi Yang, Wenliang Zhang and Xingyuan Ma*. Multiple targeting strategies achieve novel protein drug deliver into cancer cells to proapoptosis lung cancer cell by precisely inhibiting surviving. Nanoscale, 2020, 12,10623–10638 

7.  Wenpeng Wang, Wenyun Zheng, Fengzhi Hu, Xiujuan He, Dong Wu, Wenliang Zhang, Haipeng Liuand Xingyuan Ma*Enhanced Biosynthesis Performance of Heterologous Proteins in CHO-K1 Cells Using CRISPR-Cas9ACS Synth. Biol. 2018, 7, 1259−1268  

8.  Chen XX, Li YY, Chang XJ, Xie XL, Liang YT, Wang KJ, Zheng WY*, Liu HP*. A CqFerritin protein inhibits white spot syndrome virus infection  via regulating iron ions in red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Dev Comp Immunol. 2018 ;82:104-112.

9.  Fabiao Hu, Daxia Pan, Wenyun Zheng*, Xiujuan He, Fuzheng Ren, Yiming Lu, Xingyuan Ma. Elucidating respective functions of two domains BIR and C- Helix of human IAP survivin for precise targeted regulating mitotic cycleapoptosis and autophagy of cancer cells.    Oncotarget. 2017,8(69)113687-113700 

10.  Di Liu, Fabiao Hu, Wenpeng Wang, Dong Wu, Xiujuan He, Wenyun Zheng*, Haipeng Liu*, Xingyuan Ma* Elucidating bottlenecks of the efficient preparation of an AB5-hexamer mucosal adjuvant protein LTm by genetic engineering. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017, 27(8), 1461-147.

11. Xingyuan Ma, Yi Zhang, Yanyan Kang, Linfeng Li,Wenyun Zheng*. A recombinant protein TmSm(T34A) can inhibit proliferation and proapoptosis to breast cancer stem cells(BCSCs) by down-regulating the expression of Cyclin D1.Biomed Pharmacother. 2016, 23(84):373-381

12. Xingyuan Ma, Nanjing Lin, Yanyan Kang, Linfeng Li,Wenyun Zheng*, Screening and identification of highly specific McAbs for discovering novel biomarkers of bone marrow stromal cells,Monoclonal Antibody in immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy,2016, 35(4): 199-211.

13. Liqun Wang, Yanyan Kang,Wenyun Zheng *, LinfengLi, Lei Shi, Xingyuan Ma. Effect on apoptosis and cell cycle of recombinant double negative dominant mutation Survivin (T34/117A) in breast cancer cell B-Cap-37.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2014, 68(3): 277–284

14. Nanjing Lin#,Wenyun Zheng#, Linfeng Li ,Hui Liu, Tianwen Wang, Ping Wang, Xingyuan Ma,. A novel system enhancing the endosomal escapes of peptides promotes Bak BH3 peptide inducing apoptosis in lung cancer A549 cells. Targeted Oncology. 2014, 9(2): 163-170(coauthor)

15. Wenyun Zheng, Wenyao Zhang, Wei Hu, and Yi YangExploring the Smallest Active Fragment of HsQSOX1b and Discovery of a Highly Efficient Oxidative Engine, PLOS ONE. 2012,7 (7): e40935. doi:10.1371

16. Yuxin Xu#,Wenyun Zheng#Tianwen Wang, Ping Wang, Ling Zhu, Xingyuan Ma*., Genetic protein TmSm(T34A) enhances sensitivity of chemotherapy to breast cancer cell lines as a synergistic drug to doxorubicin. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2012, 66(5): 368-372 (#Coauthor)

17. Wenyun Zheng,Yanyan Chu, Qin Yin, Charles Yang, Wenyao Zhang, Yun Tang, Yi Yang. Crucial effect of the First CXXC Motif of Human QSOX 1b on the Activity to different substrates. Journal of Biochemistry. 2011, 149(3):293-300

18. Wenyun Zheng, Yanyan Kang, Linfeng Li, Yuxin Xu, Xingyuan Ma, Levels of effectiveness of gene therapies targeting survivin and its splice variants in human breast cancer cells.Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics. 2011, 5(6):293-2989.